Electronic customs tariff

Electronic customs tariff "Tares"

All goods that are imported into Switzerland have to be assessed, i.e. cleared, in accordance with the Swiss customs tariff "Tares". Tares lists all products in a database and assigns them tariff codes or product codes. Based on these numbers, and other information such as country of origin or destination and transport direction (import / export), one can call up the applicable rates of customs duty, other levies such as VAT, tobacco duty or fees on alcoholic beverages, as well as other information, for example, about prohibitions, restrictions and permit requirements.

Many goods are assessed duty-free or taxed at a reduced rate under free trade agreements and in line with preferential tariffs for developing countries. Please refer to the information on the Free Trade Agreement on this page.

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the customs tariff or about our customs services in general:


Bringing the world to Switzerland

International transport in figures

1’700 shipments by rail
2’500 shipments of refrigerated goods on trucks
5’000 non-refrigerated shipments by truck
8’500 container shipments (measured in TEU: Transport Equivalent Unit)
40’000 customs clearance
50’0000 tariff lines

Further information

Overview National
Overview MTM
Overview Directorate